Workplace proximity alert, contact tracer

Norwalk, Connecticut – Proximity Trace is an IoT solution from Triax Technologies that provides proximity distancing alerts and contact tracing to help manufacturing plants, industrial facilities and other sites minimize the impact of COVID-19 in the workplace and get workers back on the job safely.

Proximity Trace features a wearable device, which triggers an audible alarm when workers get too close, so they can adjust to maintain a safe social distance per CDC guidelines. All worker interactions, including duration, are passively collected on the wearable and transferred to the cloud via Gateways on the site, and digitally stored in a dashboard for seamless contact trace reporting in the event of a COVID-19 exposure on site. The report identifies all close contact interactions an infected worker had, and aggregate amount of time of each interaction through time. This helps manufacturers quickly and easily identify potentially exposed individuals when a worker has tested positive for COVID-19, helping to greatly mitigate and control spread at worksites and potentially avoid full plant shutdowns.

Proximity Trace has been deployed at more than 225 worksites with tens of thousands of wearable devices being used by workers in the field. Most users experience a 50% decrease in close contact interactions within the first month of using the solution. User identity can be anonymized in the system and there is no location tracking, alleviating privacy concerns.