Technology promises to make shrink fit holder processing easier, safer

Diebold’s JetSleeve 2 also improves finish and extends tool life.

Three tool components


Shrink fit is gaining acceptance in the North American markets again. The introduction of new technology by Diebold with One Touch and Pyrometer Coil Technology has made shrink fit holder processing easier with no overheating of holders.

With machine tool sales picking up and over 68% of CNC machining center spindles being coolant through the spindle, the demand for coolant through cutting tools and coolant though shrink fit tool holders will continue to grow. To date, Accutek and Diebold offer standard shrink fit holders with coolant through the center to feed coolant thorough cutting tools. Accutek offers AccuKool coolant ports on shrink fit holders to have the option of coolant through the cutting tool or coolant through the body coming out the tip of the shrink fit holder.

Now, Diebold is introducing the Diebold JetSleeve 2 design, which offers coolant through the body and exits the tip of the holder toward the cutting tool’s cutting edges. This new technology offers many advantages:

  • The coolant is accelerated through the small holes in the tip of the holder which then increase the PSI pressure of the coolant exiting the holder by two times in input pressure
  • The increased pressure blasts the chips away in any machining process – pockets, cavities, long length cuts, etc.
  • The increased pressure assures that no recutting of chips is done, thus minimizing micro chipping of the cutting edge and significantly increasing cutting edge tool life
  • JetSleeve 2 allows for replacement of the tip of the holder to renew the ID opening and coolant ports

CNC Machines do require a minimum of 5-micron filter systems to efficiently clean coolant from swarf and not clog the JetSleeve 2 nozzle holes.

JetSleeve 2 increases cutting edge tool life, produces a better finish thus reducing the need for finish polishing in molds and dies, and can be heat shrink processed in any quality shrink fit machine using standard DIN settings.