Foaming materials introduced for lightweight composite manufacturing

The heat-activated materials simplify part production.

Two components made from black foam material


L&L Products announces the launch of its proprietary InsituCore foaming materials for lightweight composite manufacturing. These new materials enable simplified production processes, resulting in a final lightweight net-shape part or preform with targeted density and strength.

InsituCore Foaming Core Technology is a family of one-component, heat-activated foaming materials that generate internal pressure to create lightweight and strong net shape, 3D parts in a simple, clean, and cost-effective process.

Placed in a heated tool, the InsituCore material foams to fill the mold cavity and form net-shape parts without time-consuming machining processes or autoclave equipment. Compared to traditional manufacturing and machining methods such as liquid resin layups, split molding, and bladder molding, these materials enable faster cycle times, a reduction in waste material, and optimized production processes by eliminating secondary machining and assembly operations.

“InsituCore is an ideal alternative to traditional manufacturing and machining methods that have long gone unchanged,” says Blake Synnestvedt, director of business development at L&L Products North America. “The composites industry has been due for an innovative solution that cuts down on waste and improves process times, and InsituCore is that product. As it becomes more widely used and field-tested, we look forward to helping customers leverage all the benefits of InsituCore to meet their unique needs.”

Potential applications include sporting goods, aircraft tray tables, insulated panels, and automotive OEM and aftermarket parts.

As part of the launch, L&L Products introduces its first two commercial products. InsituCore L-9008 is a one-component, heat-activated, thermosetting foam material that can be used to create foam core composites. InsituCore L-9080 is a one-component, heat-activated, thermoplastic foam material that can be used to create foam core composites.