GoFly Final Fly Off tickets available now

Teams from around the world will compete for almost $2 million in prizes.



The GoFly Final Fly Off is scheduled for Feb. 27-29, 2020, at Moffett Federal Airfield at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California.

The GoFly Prize is a global competition to create personal flyers, and more than 850 teams comprising more than 3800 innovators from 103 countries entered the multi-phase challenge. Throughout the three-day Fly Off event, teams from around the world will compete for almost $2 million in prizes. This multi-day celebration of innovation will also include live air shows with personal flyers, innovation showcases, a pararescue demonstration from the California Air National Guard, and keynotes with industry leaders.

With support from Boeing, Pratt & Whitney, Google’s Planetary Ventures, and 20+ aviation organizations, the 2-year global competition to create safe, quiet, ultra-compact, VTOL personal flyers is coming to fruition.

Thursday, Feb. 27th and Friday, Feb. 28th are invitation-only and ticket-only days, when teams will fly their personal flyers and we will be joined by industry and government leaders from NASA, the FAA, Boeing, Pratt & Whitney, Embraer, VFS, AIAA, SAE, GAMA, AUVSI, AOPA, and many more.

Ticket prices range from $22 general admission on Feb. 29 to $439 for 3-day VIP pass. Details and information on discounted hotel accommodations can be found at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gofly-prize-final-fly-off-tickets-85676154685