Charging the Future - FLO helps develop SAE Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Technician Certification

Certification will provide education and skills for EV charging station technicians in North America
FLO Services USA Inc.

FLO, a leading North American electric vehicle (EV) charging company and a smart charging solutions provider, helped develop a new program to educate and certify future EV charging station technicians. Experts from FLO supported SAE International, the world’s leading authority in mobility standards development, on building their new Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Technician Certification program.

“As more and more EV charging stations are deployed, the industry will see an increasing need for technicians to help keep them operational,” says Benoit Lemieux-Lepage, Senior Network Operations Manager at FLO. “At FLO we provide the best charging experience for all EV drivers while investing in future green jobs. This training and certification program will help build a new generation of qualified technicians and play a direct role in ensuring EV drivers have reliable charging experiences.”

The certification program will provide education and skills for technicians who maintain, repair, and operate EV charging stations. The Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Technician Certification will be granted to technicians who have successfully completed a comprehensive training program and passed a rigorous exam administered by SAE ITC Probitas Authentication.

“Certification programs are built upon the foundations of technical credibility,” says Michael Paras, Manager Business Development and Strategic Partnerships for SAE International.  “As the world’s largest mobility standards organization and technical society, SAE fully leveraged our global network to assemble the world’s leading experts and companies to develop a body of knowledge on which the certification is based. The result is a comprehensive, technically sound, and credible program built by industry for industry.”

The certification program and exam are expected to be available by the end of 2023.