Vapor-reducing refueling systems

Significant amounts of hydrocarbons typically escape through vehicle filler necks into the atmosphere during fueling. The problem is even more pronounced in hybrid-electric vehicles (HEVs), which require special measures to address evaporative emissions as the gas engine only operates intermittently, creating the need to store pressurized fuel vapor. Now, a suite of solutions reduces vapor emissions produced during vehicle refueling.

The Onboard Refueling Vapor Recovery (ORVR) system reduces emissions by collecting fuel vapor that evaporates during refueling and burns it during normal operation.

ORVR traps tank vapors and holds them in an onboard charcoal canister using multiple engineered and specialized valves. A fuel-tank isolation valve is offered for HEVs.

The eVaptive electronically controlled fuel tank vapor venting system uses software-controlled actuators instead of mechanical valves to manage vapor. Software ensures optimum fuel vapor management in all driving, stationary, and refueling modes, and a one-size-fits-all hardware unit can be programmed to fit any vehicle platform. Using one set of hardware across all vehicle lines and fuel tank variants can shorten validation cycles and development time and allow original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to design systems with fewer vent points.
